The Ginger Villain

villains are people too

Month: February 2021

Check out Five Things I Learned while writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy over at TerribleMinds!

Thanks a Zillion to Chuck Wendig for giving me this moment to chat about what it was like writing my first Historical Fantasy! Have a look at the article and feel free to tweet any questions to me at @MandaTheGinger Amanda Cherry: Five Things I Learned Writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy – Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

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Launch Event!

Join us on Zoom or YouTube on February 24th at 6:00PM PST for a live launch event hosted by QuaranCon! We’ll have a reading, a Q&A, and even a virtual signing. I have bookplates all ready to go and am testing pens as I type this. Launching a book in a pandemonium is a beast […]

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