The Ginger Villain

villains are people too

Month: May 2024


As so often happens in the “Hurry Up And Wait” world of publishing, this Saturday I will be in TWO places celebrating two things. First up: in the early afternoon, you’ll see me at the Kent Nerd Party. If you’re in the Seattle area, especially the south end of things, you’ll definitely want to come […]

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I am so very excited to announce the release date for DAWN CALAMITY has been announced for May 28th and that preorders are live and happening. Check out all the info over at the Not A Pipe Publishing website and snag your copy from your favorite online retailer!

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Port Orchard Art Walk

Hey there, friends! This is just a quick pop by to let everyone know that I will be appearing at this month’s Port Orchard Art Walk. Come see me, alongside Trish Heinrich at Find The Path Books this Friday, May 17th from 3 until 7 in the afternoon/evening. We’ll have books to sign, time to […]

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