The Swiftie Guide to FEMMES FATALE:
I have been promising this thing off and on for over a year now, but I didn’t want to pull the trigger until I was sure I was clear on the legal ramifications of posting song lyrics in connection to my books. I respect Taylor Swift as both an artist and a businessperson and I would never, ever want to step on her intellectual property. The best I (and some lawyers) can tell, I’m good here provided I give proper credit and am not making any money from this: two things I can absolutely promise.
All page numbers refer to the paperback versions of the books.
You can find these songs in order on the FEMMES FOR SWIFTIES playlist on Spotify, which will be updated to include exclusively Taylor’s Versions as soon as Rep TV is available (iykyk).
So, without further ado: Are you ready for it???????

We prelude this book with Anti–Hero. It puts us in the right mental space to meet the two women we’re about to adventure with.
Segue immediately into Vigilante Shit as we meet our first anti-heroine.
FEMMES FATALE opens with Vivienne “Lady Vengeance” Cain in an elevator, heading to the office of one Ruby Killingsworth: billionaire CEO by day, magic-wielding supervillain by night, and the woman who most recently broke the heart of Jaccob “Stardust” Stevens, a sweet cinnamon roll of a superhero about whom Vivienne has… feelings. “If Stardust won’t blast Miss Ruby Killingsworth into the next dimension, she sure as shit can.”
Everything Has Changed:
Halfway down page thirteen the text reads: “Before yesterday, Vivienne had never heard that voice, but now she would know it anywhere,” and a certain redhead with green eyes blows into the room like a perfumed whirlwind.
Sparks Fly:
The vibe starts as early as page 21, but by page 27 when the two anti-heroines are sharing dinner and details, the sparks are definitely flying. Dinner concludes with a tour of Ruby’s mansion, culminating in the bedroom, where sparks definitely fly.
Beginning on page 49, Ruby and Vivienne are preparing to square off against the demon that has made itself at home in Ruby’s downtown skyscraper. And in addition to the demon, they’re having to fight the burgeoning feelings that threaten to turn this into much more than a business relationship. “Ruby shakes off a shudder, and Vivienne resists the impulse to reach out to her. They’re not there yet. Most likely never will be. And that’s for the best.”
Eyes Open:
On page 56, Ruby learns that she and Vivienne have been double crossed just as Vivienne begins to square off with their demon adversary. Vivienne’s personal history of demon possession means she knows the power she’s facing down, and she’s tempted to let herself be swallowed up again. One moment off her guard will be enough to lose herself entirely.
Getaway Car:
Choices have been made by page 86, including the choice to first seduce, and then team up with, Ruby’s long-time acquaintance: the Norse Trickster God Loki. Ruby and Vivienne wait in the back of a limousine outside Ruby’s still-possessed building for Loki to arrive and take point on ridding the place of the pestilence once and for all. Things will not go to plan. As it turns out, three makes a sideshow, and a circus ain’t a love story. Nothing good starts here.
A lot happens between that limousine and page 123 (I didn’t plan it, but there it is), and I’m not going to spoil it here. Suffice to say both our anti-heroines survive the experience and swear never to see each other again. Of course, that isn’t going to happen. Ruby has arrived unannounced at Vivienne’s apartment (across the country, in Seattle, and how the hell did she get through the locked door?) bearing a hand-crafted magical gift that will help Vivienne manage her powers. Ruby’s nerves are palpable, as she’s not sure where things stand between the two of them. It may be too soon for such gestures, too soon to be magically linked to one another. They’re not making any promises, but the book closes with an understanding, and a kiss.

When last we saw our intrepid anti-heroines, they were in their delicate era– finding a Happy For Now that neither of them quite knew how to deal with.
Now here we are, several months later and the book opens with the two of them firmly in a Lavender Haze.
I Did Something Bad:
Not going to spoil what, exactly, but beginning on page 18 Ruby definitely gets up to something bad, that feels so good. She has her reasons, but there may be consequences down the line.
Beginning on page 29, Ruby and Vivienne are sharing one of the more intimate moments of their association in a hotel bed in Seattle. They see themselves in each other, the good, the bad, and otherwise.
I Know Places:
Page 45 starts the conversation about a last-minute party Ruby is throwing in order to get an artist’s girlfriend properly vetted by her security. She gives Vivienne the option of attending the party as her date, attending the party as just another semi-famous guest, or skipping it altogether. Vivienne doesn’t see any reason not to be Ruby’s date to the party, but Ruby reminds her that something happens when everybody finds out. “The tabloids latch on to you and me and this thing will take on a life of its own, over which you and I will have no control. We go public, and I can’t protect you from whatever they decide to print.“
The party dresses first appear on page 53 and it’s clear from the jump that Ruby only bought these dresses for the joy of taking them off. But first they have to get through the networking and hobnobbing. All of the silence and patience, pining in anticipation….
An unexpected and unwelcome guest arrives to Ruby’s building on page 58 and by page 65 she intends to give him exactly what he deserves- for interrupting her party as well as many past transgressions. He’s addicted to betrayal, she’s sweet like justice.
Bad Blood:
On page 98: “Vivienne can’t see straight. She’s dizzy and she feels like she’s been punched in the gut.” The previously mentioned betrayal has come to light and now Ruby & Vivienne have problems, and they don’t think they can solve them.
Look What You Made Me Do:
“Storming out of Ruby’s penthouse and around the corner to the nearest bar had been the easy part- in fact, it had been the precise set of motions she’d made the first time she ever visited the place. And the more bourbon she put down, the clearer the way forward had appeared.” Bad decisions… thy name is Vengeance. On page 103, Vivienne is on her way to do maybe the most foolish thing she’s ever done, and that’s saying a lot. And as far as she’s concerned, Ruby made her do it.
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me:
It’s page 108 and Vivienne has made her way into a place where she’s not really welcome, and the security dames are frightened. “In the lobby, Henrietta and Maria are on their feet in an instant, each with a weapon pointed squarely at her.”
Don’t Blame Me:
On page 113: “She’s within his reach now, and he grabs her. She should be afraid, but she isn’t. This is what it always felt like, isn’t it?”
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic:
On page 125, we’re back with Ruby, dealing with the fallout of the betrayal that sent Vivienne storming out of her place and into danger.
It’s page 139 when we first get all three lovers-and-liars into the same room, and it’s clear nobody has a real grasp on who to trust, who matters more, and who may be in need of rescue.
This is the part where I don’t spoil the emotional beats nor the climax of the story, so we skip to the dénouement. Much has happened and things aren’t completely resolved, but our two anti-heroines have once again reached a place of understanding. They find themselves in a State of Grace (the acoustic version is 100% more the vibe, but if you prefer the album version, that’s cool!)
And there we have it! If anyone is interested in Taylor recommendations for my other books, let me know! I can tell you right now that This is Me Trying and Snow on the Beach both have a place in TIME & AGAIN, so there’s a start right there.
Have fun and happy reading!!