So many updates!
Hey there in internet land!
Increasing success in this business makes for an increasingly demanding schedule, and although I’m grateful for these rad opportunities, it takes some getting used to. One of the things that I’m still working on (y’all know this) is remembering to post things here.
But I have some updates! Good things are happening and I’m thrilled to share.
I was an attending pro at Emerald City Comic Con this year and that was an experience I will cherish forever. I had panels on Saturday and Sunday on topics as wide-ranging as how and why to write consent into your genre fiction to Star Wars and Star Trek. I attended the Wordlbuilders party and got to play games with some pretty cool people

This is not a great picture, but at least I’m not actively sobbing over Princess Leia. It’s the small things, y’all.
and raise money for a great cause. I’m hoping to host a table of my own next year. I love this giant con and am already looking forward to the next one.
Then, I attended Star Wars Celebration, Chicago April 11-16 and had a blast. I had some great conversations with Star Wars authors and editors, made new friends, and enjoyed
catching up with some of my favorite people.
And I got to meet Claudia Gray and I ugly cried at her and her precious assistant took pictures.
After only one day home from Celebration, I had the privilege of attending Norwescon 42 here in the Seattle area. Norwescon is a beloved local convention and I always have a lovely time. I got to spend some time with Rites & Desires cover artist Lee Moyer and my dear friend, Ms. Wheelchair WA, Danielle Harada. There was also a puppy named Nellie who made the con a special treat. Saturday night of Norwescon, I had the honor to be part of the Rapid Fire Reading series put on by Broad Universe, and got great audience feedback on a short story that’s still looking for a home.
I met with Friday of Friday Afternoon Tea (a very favorite geek-themed tea shop here in Seattle) briefly about the possibility of shooting a short script tie-in to my upcoming Strowlers novel there and she was excited by the prospect. A few more rewrites and a meeting with the story team and we may just find ourselves in pre-production– cross your fingers.
As always, I have several irons in the fire I can’t talk about publicly yet, but suffice to say things are pretty great (barring a touch of con crud).
I should have some fun announcements soon! Cheers ’til then. 🙂