The Ginger Villain

villains are people too

Author: Amanda

Convention Appearance!

Because there’s nothing like waiting until the last minute: I should let everyone know that I’ll be spending a chunk of this weekend at FOOLSCAP. Foolscap is a bookish convention for geeks of all genres and this will be my first year attending Foolscap is a different kind of convention: programming for the weekend is set as part of […]

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The Proof is in … THE MAIL

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what it takes to make a book ready to appear in stores (which was me up until very recently), I thought I’d give you a little insight. Once my editor and I agreed that the manuscript was in its final form, it was sent off to layout. […]

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Check me out on these Official Sites!

I am pleased to announce that my Facebook, Goodreads and Amazon author pages are live. You can find me on Facebook at: The Ginger Villain And on Goodreads: Amanda Cherry The Goodreads page for Rites & Desires is HERE I’d love it if you’d add it to your to-read list! My Amazon author page is […]

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Happy New Year!

Rites and Desires cover art by Lee Moyer So much good stuff I don’t even know where to start!   I got my manuscript back from my editor over the holidays and I’m beginning to work through the final revisions. Once this step is complete, I won’t see the manuscript again until it’s laid out […]

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What’s in a Name…?

Here’s a secret I don’t tell people often: I don’t like coming up with story titles. I’m bad at it. My natural verbosity makes summarizing a long piece difficult to the extreme, and boiling the story down to a proper title an exercise in extreme frustration. Sometimes titles just come to me. “Holiday Magic” pretty […]

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Authorial Adventures

Last week I had an incredible time and I felt like I should share it here. If you’re new to the pro writing world, I advise you to seek out these kinds of experiences. On Thursday, Chuck Wendig, Fran Wilde, and Kevin Hearne came to Seattle for an event celebrating their new work hosted by The University Bookstore. Having made […]

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Someone Else’s Book: Serpent’s Sacrifice

From time to time here on this site I will share with you my thoughts on something new I’ve read. Today I kick off this feature with some words about Serpent’s Sacrifice, the debut novel from Seattle-area author Trish Heinrich. The first thing that I noticed in this book is the author’s mastery of descriptive language. From […]

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Blights & Desires Update!

For those of you following along at home, I am pleased to announce that the final manuscript for Blights & Desires is finished. Coming in at a perfectly reasonable 101,929 words, it’s the longest single piece of fiction I’ve ever written. I will go into process in another post, but for now I am pleased […]

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