The Ginger Villain

villains are people too

Check out Five Things I Learned while writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy over at TerribleMinds!

Thanks a Zillion to Chuck Wendig for giving me this moment to chat about what it was like writing my first Historical Fantasy! Have a look at the article and feel free to tweet any questions to me at @MandaTheGinger Amanda Cherry: Five Things I Learned Writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy – Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

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Launch Event!

Join us on Zoom or YouTube on February 24th at 6:00PM PST for a live launch event hosted by QuaranCon! We’ll have a reading, a Q&A, and even a virtual signing. I have bookplates all ready to go and am testing pens as I type this. Launching a book in a pandemonium is a beast […]

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Y’all. I have ben sitting on this for this whole year (stop telling me that’s only been 29 days, it’s been a YEAR, ok?) and I am so pleased and proud to show you the exquisite cover created by the amazing folx at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment for THE DRAGON STONE CONSPIRACY. BACK COVER COPY: When […]

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It’s been a year

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And I mean that both literally and figuratively. It’s been over a year since I’ve updated my website, which is not a thing I intended to happen, but here we are. RITES & DESIRES is still out in the world, doing its thing, selling steadily, and making me proud. News of my second book is […]

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Bustin’ Out All Over

That’s right, y’all, it’s June. This year is doing that thing where it totally flies by! And I wanted to let you know where you might be able to find me in this delightfully sunny month. First: June 15th I will be participating in the Gaming With Authors event at Zulu’s Games in Bothell. Some […]

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So many updates!

Hey there in internet land! Increasing success in this business makes for an increasingly demanding schedule, and although I’m grateful for these rad opportunities, it takes some getting used to. One of the things that I’m still working on (y’all know this) is remembering to post things here. But I have some updates! Good things […]

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Coming in 2019!

It’s convention season and I have a few coming up! Come check out my panels and signings this spring and summer:   Emerald City Comic Con; March 14-17 at the Washington State Convention Center. I’ll be appearing on two panels on Saturday and signing in between. Star Wars Celebration, Chicago; April 11-15 at McCormick Place. […]

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Big News!

Hello blog readers, I should apologize for not writing here more often, but I’ve been busy! And I have awesome news to show for it. This January, I was offered and accepted representation by the indomitable Claire Draper at Inkwell Management.  She’s a fantastic lady and I am so happy to have her on my […]

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Come Watch a Movie I Wrote– in a Cinema!

This year I was once again part of the 48 Hour Horror film festival here in Seattle. I was back with the award-winning Pulled Prok team and we had an amazing time on set. This year I was promoted to lead writer and co-director of our film: UNINVITED.  The film’s premiere screening will be held […]

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Come See Me!

I have some awesome convention appearances coming up and am not going to fall down on letting folks know where to find me! NEXT WEEK: October 23-24 I will be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle. PANELS: Saturday 3:00 PM- Creative and Chronic life. An amazing group of women living with chronic illnesses/invisible disabilities talk […]

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