The Ginger Villain

villains are people too

Join Me Aboard Airship Nebula

This year I have the honor of being a participant in programming for the SFWA Virtual Nebula Conference. I am so excited to be a panelist for this esteemed event and to be able to chat with my SFWA colleagues about the things we love to do and the worlds we love to create. I […]

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Where To Buy

Once Upon a Time (in 2022, far too late in the game) I was made aware of the fact I don’t have a proper post pointing people to how & where they can buy the things I’ve written. That’s weird and probably hurting sales. Oops. So: in the spirit of having such a thing, here […]

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For Your Consideration:

In the grand scheme of things, awards are the aggressively shiny, unnaturally-neon-red cherry on top of a career. They’re not at all necessary to function, and an author can certainly thrive without them. But, writ small, awards, nominations, and other peer and reader accolades are moments in which an author gets to set aside their […]

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2021 Eligibility for *Things*

The tooting of my own horn is a thing that doesn’t come to me easily, but I have been asked, so here I am. I had many things published in 2021, some of which are eligible for awards, and others of which make me eligible for awards. I’m basing my information on the Hugo eligibility […]

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Happy Book Birthday to US!!

I am pleased and proud to announce the release of COBALT CITY: DRAGONSTORM a fabulous collection of stories featuring some of our favorite Cobalt City heroes facing off against an enemy they’ve never before imagined: Dragons! The King in Yellow, manifestation of the concept of madness, has his sights set on conquest. He has hungered […]

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Out Today!

I am honored and proud to be one of the authors chosen to have a story appear in INK: the eighth annual installment in the Queer Sci Fi flash fiction contest anthology series. My story, “Signed” is about a young magic user coming into her power and fully realizing her full, authentic self. I can’t […]

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Project Announcement!

Hello friends! Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. Those of you who have WP sites of your own will know that the interface changed, and those of you who know me IRL will know that I’m terrible with technology and a very change-resistant fuddy-duddy. But I’m here now and I’ll get around to posting […]

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Check out Five Things I Learned while writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy over at TerribleMinds!

Thanks a Zillion to Chuck Wendig for giving me this moment to chat about what it was like writing my first Historical Fantasy! Have a look at the article and feel free to tweet any questions to me at @MandaTheGinger Amanda Cherry: Five Things I Learned Writing The Dragon Stone Conspiracy – Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

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Launch Event!

Join us on Zoom or YouTube on February 24th at 6:00PM PST for a live launch event hosted by QuaranCon! We’ll have a reading, a Q&A, and even a virtual signing. I have bookplates all ready to go and am testing pens as I type this. Launching a book in a pandemonium is a beast […]

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Y’all. I have ben sitting on this for this whole year (stop telling me that’s only been 29 days, it’s been a YEAR, ok?) and I am so pleased and proud to show you the exquisite cover created by the amazing folx at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment for THE DRAGON STONE CONSPIRACY. BACK COVER COPY: When […]

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