The Ginger Villain

villains are people too


Because there’s nothing like last-minute notice, I am pleased to announce (belatedly) that I will be performing the National Anthem at tomorrow’s Seattle Reign FC match at Memorial Stadium in downtown Seattle. If you’re a local and like soccer, enjoy supporting local sports, enjoy watching amazing athletes, or are just looking for something to do […]

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I am a Terrible Mind!

I am thrilled to share that I was invited by my pal Chuck Wendig  to share Five Things I learned while writing Rites & Desires over on his blog. Check it out HERE!

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Someone Else’s Book: KILL THE FARM BOY

I have been a bad writer and have been forgetting to blog. But what I HAVE been doing is a lot of reading. This review first appeared on MAD SCIENTIST JOURNAL. When I love a book, I want to share. Have my thoughts on this delicious bit of brain candy. Kill the Farm Boy is […]

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What a Whirlwind

Anyone who checks into this blog with any regularity can see I’ve been noticeably absent for weeks. I’ve been too busy! Ok. March. The month of my book launch definitely came in like a lion! I spent the first weekend of the month at Emerald City Comic Con representing Tosche Station in the press corps […]

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Rites & Desires– On Sale Now!!!

Hey there Folx! If you’ve come here, you’ve likely come here in search of my book! Here it is, available for purchase!!! If you’ve read it, I would love, LOVE for you to leave a short review on Amazon and/or Goodreads to let me know!  

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I first heard about the Note To Self project on Twitter. It’s a series of interviews with happy, successful adult women geared toward inspiring teen girls. The women are interviewed about what their lives and world were like when they were fifteen, lessons learned from that time in their lives, and the joys of their […]

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Podcast Appearance!

In the lead-up to the release of Rites & Desires, I was honored and privileged to speak with Daphne James Huff and the Writer Mom Life podcast. I had a wonderful time chatting with her about my book, my goals, and what it’s like to be an author in a small press. Check it out!

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An Interview!

Today I’m being featured on History That Never Was, a cool blog about books and writing and general nerdery. I talk about my book and my writing history and Cobalt City in general.   Doing book publicity is cool and fun and I love it. More to come as the release of RITES & DESIRES […]

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Emerald City Comic Con Approaching!

Next weekend (March 1-4) will be my last Convention appearance before Rites & Desires releases to the general public. This is an interesting intersection of fan and pro for me, and I’m looking forward to the joy of being in such a giant celebration of nerd-dom with some incredible people. Many of my favorite author persons (Cherie […]

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My First Review!

The time in an author’s life when ARCs (Advance Review Copies) of a book are in the wild, but no feedback has yet to materialize is (as it turns out) a very, very stressful time in an author’s life. It’s stressful to know your book is being read, but not anything about how it’s being […]

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